YouTube Live
Start sharing your CWM live stream with your YouTube viewers using the steps below. This requires you to have a YouTube account that's in good standing and approved for live streaming.
1. Log in to your YouTube account, click the Go Live button, and then click Stream.
2. Click the Start button next to Right now, then click the Go button next to Streaming software.
3. Find the Stream key section that displays your Server URL and Stream Key. Copy and paste the Server URL and Stream Key settings into the appropriate fields on your CWM account Stream Settings page. After saving all changes, your CWM live stream can be shared directly to your YouTube account during each live event.
To keep the same Stream Key for each event, click the "Default stream key" dropdown option and click "Create new stream key." Choose "Variable bitrate" for the Maximum sustained bitrate that you can support option if your bitrate changes from time to time.
Last updated